Top 10 UIUX product designers' portfolio websites

Top 10 UIUX product designers' portfolio websites

Top 10 UIUX product designers' portfolio websites

UIUX Portfolio

Self study

Self study


May 16, 2024

Mar 17, 2024

Mar 17, 2024

After learning what great portfolios look like, it's a good practice to look at real-life examples. You can build mental models of how they are shaped and structured. In the end you will be able to adapt them for your own portfolio. The portfolios of product designers featured here are great examples and will be huge help in improving your own portfolio.

Bethany Heck

Her portfolio is regarded as exemplary due to several standout features. It displays a broad range of projects, including case studies, typeface reviews, branding, and web design, showcasing her versatility and depth in design. Each project is detailed comprehensively, offering insights into the design process from start to finish, highlighting her problem-solving capabilities and the impact of her designs. The portfolio is presented with a professional and clean layout, utilizing a strong typographic hierarchy and minimalistic design elements, which enhance both its aesthetic appeal and usability. Heck's expertise in typography is evident throughout her portfolio, enhancing the readability and visual impact of her work. 

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Abdus Salam

 is an excellent benchmark for product designers due to its depth and well-rounded approach. His detailed case studies not only highlight his design process but also demonstrate his ability to integrate design with business strategies, emphasizing the impact of UX on product success. Abdus also showcases his leadership through mentoring and his commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in design, highlighting the role of ethics in design practice. Furthermore, his work across various high-profile projects reflects advanced skills in both visual and interaction design, underscoring the importance of aesthetics and functionality in creating effective user experiences. His portfolio exemplifies a holistic and strategic approach to product design, making it a valuable learning tool for other designers.

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Simon Pan

Simon Pan’s portfolio is an excellent example for product designers due to its clear demonstration of impact on business metrics through design initiatives. His portfolio showcases major projects like the redesign of the Uber Rider App, which notably reduced driver wait-time and pickup errors, and the launch of Amazon Prime Music on mobile platforms, which significantly increased user engagement and retention. Each project is detailed with specific achievements and quantifiable results, emphasizing how design directly contributes to business growth. This approach not only highlights his design skills but also his ability to drive business success, making his portfolio a strong model for designers looking to exhibit their impact on business outcomes.

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Karolis Kosas

Karolis Kosas' portfolio is an exemplary model for product designers seeking inspiration on how to effectively present their work. His portfolio showcases a rich variety of projects, highlighting his role in developing UX for web conversions, mobile apps, and brand strategy, which demonstrates his versatility across different aspects of product design. Karolis' ability to blend design with strategic business solutions makes his portfolio a valuable benchmark. Visually, the portfolio stands out with its clean, minimalist web design that emphasizes content through strategic use of typography and imagery. The use of large, high-quality visuals and a well-organized layout makes the site both engaging and easy to navigate, showcasing his design aesthetics effectively. This comprehensive and visually appealing approach makes his portfolio an excellent benchmark for other product designers, demonstrating how to effectively present one's work and impact in the field

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Verli Chen

 Verli Chen's portfolio is a great example of self-expression through design. He incorporates numerous unique elements that truly reflect his personality, adding distinctive touches throughout his website. Although the content can be somewhat challenging to read, so I wouldn't suggest benchmark this type of layout. The X-tra page beautifully showcases his stunning visual and explorative designs.

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Pendar Yousefi

Pendar Yousefi's storytelling and writing in his case studies exemplify superb clarity and relatability, much like a story told by an interesting friend. His ability to simplify complex information and present it in an engaging, narrative format makes his work not only accessible but also deeply compelling. This approach is something every designer can learn from to enhance how they communicate their own case studies.

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Jon Akins

Jon Akins, a former teammate, stands out as an exceptionally talented designer whose work I greatly admire. His approach goes beyond aesthetic and UI excellence to address operational challenges within his projects, offering a holistic view of design’s role in improving business processes. His ability to intertwine visual flair with practical solutions demonstrates a deep understanding of design’s impact, making his portfolio a comprehensive showcase of both creativity and strategic thinking.

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Courtney Tam

Courtney Tam's work, highlighted in her portfolio for projects with Facebook and Microsoft, is not just notable for the big brand names but also for the clarity and organization of her case studies. Her ability to simplify and effectively present complex problems is what makes her portfolio stand out. This skill is crucial as it makes it easier for viewers to quickly grasp the essence of each project despite the complexity of the issues addressed. You can see how she structures her content and organizes her artifacts in a way that enhances readability and understanding. 

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Duaa Design

Duaa's portfolio stands out for its compelling storytelling, which skillfully focuses on narrowly defined, complex problems. She effectively balances content with her unique personality, creating an engaging narrative that showcases her deep understanding of design challenges. Her approach not only highlights her technical skills but also her ability to connect with viewers on a personal level, adding a distinct and memorable element to her portfolio.

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Kyson Dana

Kyson Dana's portfolio exemplifies effective content organization and visual appeal, featuring an excellent layout that enhances the presentation of his design work. His use of a design process video within his portfolio not only illustrates his workflow but also brings his projects to life, allowing viewers to see the creative journey behind his final products. This dynamic element of visual storytelling, combined with a well-structured content layout, significantly boosts the portfolio's impact on potential employers and clients.

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Let's study these designers' websites, take notes or document using the benchmarking method shared in my YouTube video, and make it your own :) Good luck with your job search! Let's go ❤️‍🔥!!